Free Resources

Here, I share tools & resources for you to use as you wish

Sign up here to get special access to free resources that may help you wrap your head around what’s happening day-to-day, and give you pieces of your own system to stay organized, so you can BE more and DO less….getting things “out of your head” while generating systems that could lighten your load.If you have already signed up, simply choose the Sign In button here and you’re off!

To give you an idea of the resources we created to help navigate so much of the unknown in the daily caregiving tasks, here's a sign that I created to post inside and outside the hospital rooms each time my mom was there (of course, we updated it for the details pertinent to each visit. This is a sample template). Because we had such a full schedule administering 24/7 to my mom’s needs (which eventually became second nature to us), we came to rely on systems like this one. And there are many more like this behind that “SignUp” button for you!